Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Random Holiday!

Happy first day of summer everyone!

May your summer be bright,
with cool and breezy nights!

Her Randomness

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


This is from The Big Bang Theory

O my gosh, science jokes are so funny!


So silver and copper are sitting in a bar 
and in walks gold and they say,
"Au, what you doing here?"

From John Tucker Must Die

Random Things I Love

The way icecream gets a icy crust when it is put in a rootbeer float!!!

Monday, June 11, 2012


Okay, so, I'm a geek! I found this site called Think Geek and it has all these games and clothes that are, like, really geeky and I love it!!!

This was one of my favorite shirts. Trekkers will get it.

Laugh Out Loud Funny

From the movie Sleepless in Seattle!

I think this is the funniest part of the whole movie.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Blue Jolly Ranchers

Okay, So you know how some people are constantly chewing on gum or sucking on a mint or even smoking a cigarette. Well, you see, I have the same problem.
It all started when my brother got these Jolly Ranchers. He only like two flavors watermelon and grape, so he asked me if I would like the other three flavors (blue raspberry, sour apple, and cherry). I am allergic to red dye, so I only took the blue and green Jolly Ranchers. (I wouldn't have taken the cherry, even if I wasn't allergic to red dye, I hate artificial cherry flavor :P) Well that was my down fall. I am now addicted to blue raspberry Jolly Ranchers. The sad thing is: I love the added bonus of my tongue turning blue.


Snow White and the Huntsman

My brother took me to see this movie today. I thought is was really good. Thou, I was lost a little because we miss the first ten minutes, thanks to bad directions.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I do this post in honor of my two cousins, who gave me the idea.

Zoo Tickets: $10.00

Face Painting: $5.00

Ice Cream: $3.50

Licking Your Cone All Over So Your Sister Won't Eat It: Priceless